我的家乡虽不是什么着名的旅游景点,但却有着它独特的魅力;我的家乡虽没有青山绿水,但却有淙淙小溪;我的家乡虽不是富丽堂皇,但却清新自然。 My hometown is not what the famous tourist attractions, but it has its unique charm; my hometown although there is no green mountains and rivers, but there is a stream; my hometown is not magnificent, but fresh and natural. 春天,是万物复苏的季节,这时,家乡里的一棵棵果树,还有许许多多的野花与自家种的花卉、果树都发芽了,那么鲜的绿,那么活的绿,花儿们也不甘落后,争先恐后地开放,那儿的花虽不及城市里的奇花异卉那般娇气、珍贵,但却展现出自己的活力与生机,呼吸着田野的雨露阳光,它好像已经很满足了,它的朴素中透露出常人所体会不到的清新感。 Spring recovery of all things, is the season, at this time, the Yi Keke trees in my hometown, there are many flowers with their own kind of flower, fruit trees sprouted, so fresh and green, so living green, the flowers are not to be outdone, fall over each other to open, there is not the exotic and strangely scented flowers flowers in the city like you, precious, but to show their vigor and vitality, breathing the fields of the sun and rain, it seems to have been very satisfied, not ordinary people experience revealed the freshness of its simplicity. 一场绵绵的细雨,叩开了夏季的门。经过雨水的滋润与洗礼,树叶更加苍翠欲滴。登高望远,一片片绿色映入眼帘。 A drizzle, opened the door of the summer. After the baptism of rain and moisture, more verdant leaves. Standing high, a piece of green in my eye. 秋姑娘挽着菊花姐姐的手,姗姗而来,秋姑娘的篮子每年都沉甸甸的。瞧!椭圆的柿子,,犹如一个个小灯笼,那金黄的梨,诱惑着人们,让人们情不自禁地咬上一口,那甜甜的味道从味蕾沁入人心…… Autumn girl Wan chrysanthemum sister by the hand, Shanshan, autumn girl basket every year heavy. Look! The ellipse, persimmon, like a small lantern, the golden pear, the temptation to people, let the people be overcome by one's feelings to bite, the sweet taste from taste bud and heart...... 寒风与大雨携手而来,大家在冬风的逼迫下穿上了毛绒大衣,唯有梅花独自屹立在风雪之中,真是应了“梅花香自苦寒来”千古名句啊! The wind and the rain together, everyone in the wind under the pressure put on the plush coat, the only club stand alone in the snow, it should be "plum flower" famous through the ages! 我爱我的家乡,爱家乡的绿,爱家乡的美,更爱家乡的生机与活力! I love my hometown, hometown green love, love of hometown beauty, vitality and love home!