My parents are teachers, so they want me to read more books. When I started to learn reading, they bought me a lot of novel books, such as Harry Potter, Alice In the Wonderland and so on. I saw the movie first, and then I would have the interest to read the novels. I found that the novel were with much more details and I was absorbed in it. The literary books not only described an attractive world, but the more important thing was that it enlightened me to be a better girl. what I learned from these novels helps me to be independent and I have my own thinking. 我的父母是老师,所以他们想让我读更多的书。当我开始学习阅读的时候,他们给我买很多小说书,比如《哈利波特》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》等等。我一般先看电影,然后我就会有兴趣读小说。我发现小说有更多的细节,我完全沉浸其中。文学书籍不仅描述了一个有吸引力的世界,但更重要的是,它启发我成为一个更好的女孩。我从这些小说学到的将帮助我独立,拥有我自己的思考。